I wish that we were posting our "agency approval"...however no official news as of yet. Although I would love to get the call to schedule our interview, to complete the application process, I know that things happen for a reason and the timing will ultimately work out the way it is suppose to be.
This weekend Pete and I went to a workshop put on by our adoption agency. Although we were already aware of most of the information that was discussed (due to my work in International adoption), we left feeling excited and confident about the agency we picked. We were both very impressed that our agency works with an NGO (a non profit status) organization which provides various programs within Ethiopia including: Vocational Training, Production Centers, Sponsoring of children and families, and Horticulture Farms. Pete and I have already talked about how we can continue to provide support to the country of Ethiopia even after our child is brought home, to keep that connection to Ethiopia for our child and our family. As our agency stated "our first goal is to keep families together....but when that is not possible we feel that it a child should be brought into a loving family."
Not only were the staff of our agency approachable, knowledgeable, honest and sincere...it was obvious that they believe in adoption and have a big heart for the families that go through this process. Throughout the workshop we were asked various questions to bring us back to the fact that this adoption is ultimately about the child, not the parents. Yes all the paperwork is about us, the parents, but the focus should be on the child. The main question (that was pointed out hypothetically from the child's prospective) that stuck out for me was "Are you committed to me even without knowing me yet?" This seems like an obvious answer, YES!!!! However I do think that some people enter into adoption for different reasons...and so not everyone might have that answer. We wouldn't have entered this process if we weren't fully committed to this child and bringing this child into our family. Even though we could have jumped into the process over a year ago when we started talking about the idea...we waited until we felt confident and prepared going into this journey. We already feel love for this child!
Our love continues to grow for this amazing child who we feel blessed to have in our family. Life is good!