Friday, November 12, 2010


n. pl. ser·en·dip·i·ties
1. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.

Post by Viv:
I had a case of Serendipidy this week! I have been so fortunate to work in the adoption field and to meet so many amazing families. I knew little about international adoption before I worked in this field, but I was eager to work with children and families. At the time I was given the opportunity to work with adoptive families I felt it was by chance, but now I see that it wasn't by chance, it was by fate.

I was lucky enough to provide a homestudy for a couple from Ethiopia, who is adopting from Ethiopia. It was a wonderful experience from start to finish. After we completed their homestudy interview, we talked about the incredible people and beautiful country of Ethiopia. I just couldn't stop smiling, it was music to my eyes, to actually speak to someone from Ethiopia about their country and their adoption plans. I just hope that I was able to convey accurately the deep respect that I had for their journey and their country. To my delight and surprise the wife prepared delicious beef wat and injera, only to be following up with...yes you guessed it popcorn and roasting of coffee beans, it was a beautiful home coffee ceremony. I felt very honored to be in their home and to be a part of their process. It is moments like these that leave you speechless and with peace in your heart.

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”
 Ryunosuke Satoro 

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful joyous happenstance!! Your journey keeps being blessed with such serendipity!
