Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Embassy Notification & New View

We got our notification today!!!!! We have now been in Ethiopia for over seven weeks and are waiting for the last step in this process. This weekend we decided to move guest homes for some new scenery. Also, you can hear the hyenas at night which we are looking forward to! 

After another enjoyable day in this amazing country we came home to the guest home to find an email from the embassy!!! There is a holiday this week, thursday is Patriots day, and so we were concerned that this might mean that our appointment would be bumped to the following week. HOWEVER we checked our email and read that we had an embassy appointment the next day (wednesday) at 9:00! We immediately called our lawyer to make sure he was notified.

We love Ethiopia, but we are ready to bring Mawerdi to her new home and family...so we have to admit we did a little dance of joy. All the staff in the guest home rejoiced and congratulated us in this exciting news!

“Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it.”
 ~ David Starr Jordan

1 comment:

  1. Patience is a virtue you have displayed so magnificently! I am so proud of you.
